Imperial Moose
Montane, boreal forest, temperate grassland, temperate dry forest
General information:
Notorious as the beast of the Matriarch, as she has the only known herd of tamed Moose residing on her land.
Aside from having stripes across its body that glows in the night, they also have a nebula pattern that shimmers on the flat side of their antlers.
The tail is bushy and canine-like.
Behavior and traits:
Despite its size, it is a very timid and peaceful animal that rarely makes a sound as it wanders the forests and plains. It only makes itself known during the mating season, when the bulls begin to court the cows.
They are very social to their own kind, and individuals that are related may often stay together to form small herds.

Arwae Gazelle
Temperate grassland, tropical savannah, tropical dry forest, semi-desert
Very rare
General information:
Despite its name, the Arwae gazelle is part of the Giraffidae family.
It was named after a female Taiga lion that was the first to kill one.
Behavior and traits:
The Arwae Gazelle is a tall herbivore with thin, long legs and a powerful neck.
They are light brown with dapple markings covering the back up to the neck. These dapple markings will begin to glow when the night approaches to ward off any ghouls.
They are peaceful creatures that are often seen flocking with smaller herbivores. It is favored by other creatures to have near due to its ability to spot predators from a far distance.
They usually move at a slow pace, eating the very tops of the taller trees as they go.
When sensing danger, they will make short, high-pitched barks and start stomping with one leg to alert others. They may be slow moving at first, but once they've started they can get up to an impressive speed, making it impossible for canines and felines to catch up, therefore, a perfected ambush must be executed when hunting them.
A single kick from an Arwae can kill an inexperienced predator.
Because of their size, they have been chosen by tribes as their main prey. One Arwae kill can feed a large-sized tribe for many days, and one pelt can be cut up to be used for multiple things.
Canines can kill an Arwae using knives and spears, but they will need to be great in numbers and use a lot of stamina, while a single feline can make the kill within a few minutes, thanks to their skills at climbing and being able to reach the throat and cut off their airways.
Because it's been a popular prey since it's discovery, the Arwae Gazelle has been hunted almost to extinction, with only a few small families remaining in the far south.

Nova antelope
Montane, boreal forest, temperate grassland, temperate dry forest
General information:
The most common choice as cattle due to them being very friendly and obedient.
They easily reproduce in captivity and rarely
get stressed.
There are two types of Nova's, one that is shorter in height and stockier, and one that is tall and much thinner.
Behavior and traits:
The Nova antelope is a very playful and social animal. They stay in huge herds that include both sexes, as bulls are only aggressive towards each other during the mating season.
Both bulls and cows have large, ringed horns, while the horns on the bulls are slightly larger.
They vary in coloration and each antelope has its own unique pattern.
Both sexes often partake in play fights and sparring.

Tundra, boreal forest
Very rare
General information:
One of the smallest of the antelope species.
Not ideal for captivity as they easily get stressed.
Behavior and traits:
This gazelle of autumn colors are native to the northern regions of Aedra. However, they mostly live in the land where the Whispervale tribe resides. They are a major source of food for the tribe, even though they are very fast and hard to catch. Only the skilled and determined can hunt one down, as they are known for their keen sense of smell and hearing, along with their jumps and calls that signal others of danger. Their names mean what they look like, as they are colored like the land in an autumn hue, giving them a perfect way to blend into the environment. Apart from the Whispervale tribe, their only other sense of danger comes from the night beasts at night, especially for one that is all by itself. When in a group, their nighttime glow helps ward off the dangerous creatures from coming close, but if alone, the glow of a single Höstgasell is not enough.

Montane, boreal forest, temperate grassland, temperate dry forest
Very rare
General information:
Not ideal for captivity as they easily get stressed, though they are easier to keep than other small herbivores.
Behavior and traits:
This deer with fur as white as snow is native to the middle regions of Aedra. They migrate from place to place, depending on the time of year, with the western and central regions during the winter and fall seasons, and the eastern regions during the spring and summer. The reason is because of their fur, as it is not the kind that changes color during the year. It is always white, and while it's safe to be in the western areas of Aedra in the winter and fall, the same cannot be said for the summer and spring. There is fewer predators in the east, as they prefer the land where the Midnightgarde tribe mostly resides. Their only predators are those of tribes, and the night beasts, however, the night beasts are not as much a threat to them compared to other creatures of Aedra. The reason is because of their white fur because when they glow at night, their fur makes it even brighter than the glow of other creatures. This makes it so that even one Vinterhjort by themselves can deter even the largest of night beasts.

Mire cat
Marshlands, mires
General information:
One of the few feline species that inhabit
the land.
Behavior and traits:
A rare sight in the land of Aedra, unless you know where to look. They are technically common throughout the land, but they can only be found in certain places, in the deepest, darkest holes of the ground, where it is damp, groggy, and wet. That is its favorite habitat, and it doesn't want it to be any other way. Mire cats are very territorial, and are not afraid to attack anything that crosses into their area, no matter how big the creature is. Although it may be small, especially compared to the dogs and lions of Aedra, it does contain a secret to subdue its prey and ward off predators. It can cast out a green, ominous smoke in the area, which is in fact poisonous. This not only deters predators from attacking it, but makes it easy to catch the small food that it needs, as the poison can breach the waters of the deep underground, and kill the small fish and invertebrates of the underground ecosystem.

All biomes
General information:
One of two hare species.
A very common prey.
Behavior and traits:
At first glance, the Skvader can easily be mistaken for a Wolpertinger with no antlers.
However, this is a completely different sub-species and one that natives of Aedra prefer to have within their territory. The reason is because of its differences from the Wolpertinger, as it does not possess a venomous bite.
It is completely harmless, but it can run much faster than its antlered cousin.
Skvaders always hide in burrows at night and only go out in sunlight. While most Skvaders have small wings attached to their bodies, there are a few hares that are born without them.
Their wings don't work very well, and they may only fly for a few meters.
They usually live in large families, where they can help each other look out for danger.
Fights rarely occur between the hares and they often spend a lot of time grooming each other to strengthen their bond.
All biomes
General information:
Bigger than the Skvader and much more aggressive.
Behavior and traits:
To those outside of Aedra, the Wolpertinger looks like an animal of fantasy, as if three species that are mostly unrelated to each other merged together somehow. To those native to Aedra, it's an animal common to the land, and always a worthy bite to eat. It appears as a rabbit, with horns of a deer, and wings of a bird. Despite having wings, Wolpertinger is not a good flyer. If at best, it can glide over a very short distance, but it prefers to run instead. The antlers are there to both defend from prey, and attract a mate, however, this is not what the Wolpertinger is known for in defending themselves. Their main form of defense is a venomous bite, that can paralyze someone light weight with a small dosage. The poison can be harvested and used in various concoctions. A good mixture of herbs can even be fatal.
Hunting dogs and lions are only a real threat at day, as it uses its burrows at night to stay safe.

Sagnabu hare
Any biome
General Information:
The Sagnabu hare is a creature that originally
only existed in the world of the gods, and were to them, considered an equal to their highly advanced race.
What the gods lacked in wisdom, the hare provided.
In recent times, the Sagnabu has been introduced to the ever-evolving population of canines and felines in hopes that they will provide them with the same guidance.
Little is known about the Sagnabu, but the few individuals that exist on Earth and Solar Stag planet have become valued family members, and has assisted them in times of crisis, just as their gods intended.
Behavior and traits:
The Sagnabu is a strategic thinker, and wise beyond their years. They won't be brash or argue with their leaders, but rather gently and patiently guide them in the right direction. Despite their serious nature, they can also enjoy simple companionship, and will often lighten the mood with their quirky humor.
Sagnabu means Leader's Seer/Prophet.
Known living individuals:
Piccolo, Folluin, Ninmah's hares.

Temperate Coast
General information:
Bigger than the average fish in Aedra
Behavior and traits:
In the waters off the eastern shores of Aedra, lives an animal that is quite valuable, to those who know how to wield its true potential. A predator to many of the fish in the sea, it's mainly hunted for its rich fat, which has been vital to those in need. The oil that can be extracted from the fat, is used to start many flames for torches and bonfires. There are only three tribes that hunt the Logifiskr, and use its oil to the fullest. Those tribes being Whisperblossom, Greyflag, and Dunegarde tribes. These tribes do not have much in terms of sources for pelts, armor, and huts. For this, they use the oil they obtain, as trading material for the other tribes nearby, who have easier access to those materials. The much sought-after oil from this creature is known in Aedra as Logifiskrolja.
Logifiskr means "Fire Fish"
Logifiskrolja means "Fire Fish Oil"
Golden Horned Buffalo
Boreal forest, Temperate Grassland
Possible but extremely rare and generally considered unfit
General information:
Named for their golden horns, these otherwise completely black bovine are a sight to behold. Standing nearly 5 - 7ft or 1.52 - 2m tall at the withers and weighing in at anywhere between 1200 – 2400lb or 600 – 1200kg, these are massive animals with tempers to match. Bulls are substantially bigger than the cows and far more aggressive. These animals are not generally seen as suitable prey because of their tendency to fight rather then flee. There are even tales of herds plowing whole villages to the ground.
Behavior and traits:
The Golden Horned Buffalo are herd animals that like large open spaces and grassland, and as long as they're left alone they're generally peaceful creatures. They don't cling to any territory and move with the seasons. They will however stick to their old ways and building anything on their usual routes is asking for trouble. Their routes are well documented and no mystery to anyone who knows how to use their eyes. Routes that has been abandonded by a herd is often taken over by the tribes of Aedra, that may turn them into official travel roads. Few tribes ever attempt to hunt this large prey, and since the bears have nearly gone extinct, the buffalo doesn't have to fear any predator.
They mostly keep their own numbers in check and the males are by far their own worst enemy.
A feature that all buffalo have and is somewhat uncommon to herbivores in general is fangs. These are not for fighting but for digging up roots that hold the special pigment that give them their golden horns. Until the calves grow their fangs and start eating roots, their horns are completely black. The largest bulls are almost always dominant in any herd. Where cows will stay with the herd they're born to, most young bulls are chased away or killed by the dominant bull when they come of age. Only when his herd is big enough will a dominant bull tolerate other adult bulls joining. The chased off youngsters form small bachelor groups of their own and seek an established herd to take over. These are often sexually frustrated youngsters that are a danger to anyone they come across. Cows can expect to live well into their twenties and it's common to see a matriarch leading a herd to greener pastures rather than the dominant male. In contrast to cows, the life of a bull tend to be so violent that reaching their teens is uncommon. The reign of a dominant bull might only last five or six seasons or until they're chased or even killed by younger bulls. Only a few wise or extremely strong bulls manage to live to a ripe old age, rivaling even that of a cows. Like the Arwae Gazelle, these animals have a lot to offer prospective hunters. Their hide and bones make for some of the strongest armor and tools, their meat can feed a whole tribe for weeks and is thought of as a rare delicacy. Their horns are a source for some rare paint pigments and their skulls make for imposing trophies.
When caught as calves, cows can be domesticated but are still hard to control and make poor beasts of burden, mostly because they attract lone males. When kept intact, aggressive bulls pose many challenges of their own. However, when raised from a young age these males can become docile beasts that even a pup can control.

Desert and savannah
General Information:
A kangaroo-like species that feeds on grass, nuts, berries, birds and even deer.
Native to the world of Solar Stag and usually lives in desert and savannah biomes.
Behavior and traits:
Lives in large family groups but related males may disperse at two years of age.
The rokrhund will try its best to stay hidden, and usually only forages under the cover of night.
It will flee from larger predators but may attack smaller ones.
It is very skilled in herbal medicine.
Although their skin is perfect for the creation of fine leather, hunting a rokrhund is frowned upon due to their close resemblance to the canines.
It's believed the rokrhund lacks the power of speech.