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Location: Theora province, Lonekeep Fells
Biome: Tundra

Temperature: Very cold

Vegetation: Moss, lichen
Population: 15

14 adults, 1 pup

Paint and theme: Blue and white. Eyes covered and tribal themed.


Solar Stag, Brightvale, Flamegarde, Nordgarde

Cattle size:  Nova Antelope- 25, Reindeer- 15


Jarl Fraujar ♂ 

Southern Jaro / 7 years

Caribou agouti with caribou back/stripe, black undersides, mask & white impala
Partner: Viti †, Ronja
Offspring: Bokki, Faera

Father: Vilt
Mother: Saera

SGrandfather: Khaer

SGrandmother: Mira
DGrandfather: Nordan
DGrandmother: Vida

Baron Bokki ♂ 

Southern Jaro / 3 years

Caribou agouti with caribou stripe, isabella undersides, mask, white impala and spotting
Partner: None
Offspring: None

Father: Fraujar
Mother: Viti

SGrandfather: Vilt

SGrandmother: Saera
DGrandfather: Forviki
DGrandmother: Verna

Baroness Faera ♀ 

Southern Jaro / 3 years

Caribou agouti with caribou stripe, isabella undersides, mask, white impala and spotting
Partner: None
Offspring: None

Father: Fraujar
Mother: Viti

SGrandfather: Vilt

SGrandmother: Saera
DGrandfather: Forviki
DGrandmother: Verna

Lead Hunter Raev ♂ 

Southern Jaro / 7 years

Caribou agouti with caribou stripe, black undersides, mask, white impala and spotting
Partner: None
Offspring: None

Father: Vilt
Mother: Saera

SGrandfather: Khaer

SGrandmother: Mira
DGrandfather: Nordan
DGrandmother: Vida

Lead Huntress Felidae ♀ 

S Jaro x Royale / 3 years

Liver tan sable with leopard spots & piebald
Partner: None
Offspring: None

Father: Nordulv
Mother: Azaria




Huntress Ferah ♀ 

S. Jaro x Rifle / 5 years

Red sable with pseudo-irish
Partner: None
Offspring: None

Father: Heim
Mother: Teljah

SGrandfather: Ulfr

SGrandmother: Lili

Huntress Majviva ♀ 

Southern Jaro / 2 years

Isabella sable with mask and white irish
Partner: Vandrin
Offspring: Fylkir

Father: Raki
Mother: Isbel

SGrandfather: Bjorg

SGrandmother: Modir
DGrandfather: Hellir
DGrandmother: Vaeni

Guard Vornheim ♂ 

Southern Jaro / 3 years

Black caribou with caribou stripe and mask
Partner: Fé
Offspring: None

Father: Rún
Mother: Nalí

SGrandfather: Bjorg

SGrandmother: Modír
DGrandfather: Khaer
DGrandmother: Mira

Lead Shepherd Fé ♀ 

Northern Jaro / 3 years

Isabella merle with points and white irish
Partner: Vornheim
Offspring: None

Father: Kivo
Mother: Lina



Guard Vandrin ♂ 

Southern Jaro / 5 years

Caribou agouti with black undersides, caribou back, stripe, mask and white irish
Partner: Majviva
Offspring: Fylkir

Father: Reykr
Mother: Nalí

SGrandfather: Brím

SGrandmother: Frelsa
DGrandfather: Khaer
DGrandmother: Mira

Shepherd Fjallviva ♀ 

Southern Jaro / 2 years

Liver piebald
Partner: Kronhjort
Offspring: Arnfold

Father: Raki
Mother: Isbel

SGrandfather: Bjorg

SGrandmother: Modir
DGrandfather: Hellir
DGrandmother: Vaeni

Guard Keirr ♂ 

Rifle x Taiga G / 4 years

Tan with black mask, saddle, white spotting & snow ticking
Partner: None
Offspring: None

Father: Kainan
Mother: Raela

SGrandfather: Fraegir

SGrandmother: Saga

Artisan Kronhjort ♂ 

Northern Jaro / 7 years

Cream sable with piebald and seal
Partner: Fjallviva
Offspring: Arnfold

Father: Lodjur
Mother: Vaela



Herbalist Aira ♀ 

Rifle / 34 years

Blue dilute with piebald
Partner: None
Offspring: None




Caretaker Saera ♀ 

S Jaro x N Jaro / 10 years

Cream caribou agouti with caribou back, mask and white spotting
Partner: None
Offspring: Fraujar, Raev

Father: Nordan
Mother: Vida

SGrandfather: Verk

SGrandmother: Lycka
DGrandfather: Laegh
DGrandmother: Verna

Unranked Fylkir ♂ 

Southern Jaro / 10 months

Isabella sable with mask and saddle
Offspring: None

Father: Vandrin
Mother: Majviva

SGrandfather: Reykr

SGrandmother: Nalí
DGrandfather: Raki
DGrandmother: Isbel

Whispervale Tribe is considered to be one of the most respected tribes and a valuable ally.

Their Jarl, Fraujar, comes from a long line of Southern Jaros, with a small influx of Northern Jaros.

The tribe consists mostly of family, and those who aren't are still considered as such.

Each member is treated with respect, even the ones with a lower rank.


Their signature are their reindeer colored pelts and reindeer-based culture.

Most of their activities and events revolve around role playing as this species as realistically as possible.

However, most members in the tribe has never seen a reindeer in person, their knowledge comes solely from the stories they've been told by their ancestors, and the antlers belonged to the cattle that the first generation of Aedra owned.


Rite of Passage is one of their rituals where a rank can be gained or taken. A dog wishing to become the Lead Hunter will have to challenge the dog currently ranked as one. If the fight is successful, the ranks will be swapped. The dog who lost their rank will be given another chance to gain it back the next time the rite is held.

Aside from the Rite of Passage, some of the other times a ritual or ceremony is held can be before a hunt, the birth of pups, arrival of spring and general bonding.

The territory of Whispervale is surrounded by hills and gentle slopes, with a large lake located near the village.

The tribe has two pastures, the bigger one is used for cows and their calves, while the bulls are held in the smaller pasture until breeding season.

The huts are constructed to withstand the harsh weather that often occurs in this area.

The entire land is covered in moss of various colors, and a few pine trees.

The lake will often produce a thick mist that sometimes affects the activity of the tribe, as their vision is diminished.

Whispervale (1).jpg

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Wiki writers- Johan & Tora

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