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Sky Gods

Anu is the primary Sky God in Sumerian culture and father to many deities, among these are the Anunnaki.

Anunnaki is the term given to the seven powerful deities Anu, Enlil, Enki, Ninhursag, Nanna, Inanna and Utu.

Their main focus was to determine the fate of humanity.

There may be more of them, although this is uncertain as there are no complete records of the Anunnaki.

Utu "Father"


Utu aka Shamash

God of the sun, justice, morality, and truth




Son of Nanna, the moon god and Ningal. Has a wife named Aya,

the goddess of dawn, and a twin sister named Inanna.

Is related to Marduk.


Grey skinned, dark hair, tall humanoid with a slender frame.

Usually shown wearing a black outfit with a blue band around

his waist. At times he may appear in his Rifle avatar.


Ethical and fair. Far wiser than his other godly relatives, who often act out of rage and selfish desires. But he is not without flaws.
Just like any god, Utu is capable of mistakes, and being a young god he has made a few.

But throughout his journey of guiding Kainan and his family,

Utu has learned to share a profound love and respect

for his creations.

He realized his kind must take a step back, and so removed the tracker attached to Kainan to allow them to seek the gods out on their own terms.


As once mentioned to Kainan, Utu can see every birth of all creatures, and fondly watches over them. He is the enforcer of divine justice, and can spot deception and deceit in all beings as well as other gods and may act accordingly.

At night, he is the judge of the underworld.

Utu is also capable of conjuring up storms and guide someone through dreams.


Saw-toothed sword.

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The "Merchant's Seal" carried by Solar Stag merchants is another version of the limestone cylinder seal that worships Utu.




God of creation and magic




Wife Sarpanit, goddess of birth. Father to Nabu, god of vegetation.


Originally grey skinned and similar in appearance to Utu,

currently has a canine form with the same skin tone.


Little is known about Marduk, but he has been shown guiding Kainan and his family to a safe place on Aedra, where more canines and felines from Earth are expected to join them.



Imhullu, a divine wind weapon.

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Wiki writers- Johan & Tora

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