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Deceased Characters

Kargo (revived)

Kargo was born and raised in Meteor Tribe, however he resisted most of their manipulation, and at two years of age he led a rebel breakout that freed a lot of their females, including a few males.

For the next two years, he lived in hiding together with his friend Ferah at Snowfly Fields. When Roamer came before them, it seemed that their lives were going to change for the better. But holding secrets from Roamer created a falling out between the two of them.

Because of them parting ways, Kargo's rage grew beyond control, which even led to the deaths of innocents. He was now wanted by the capital, and had to run. Together with Ferah, they fled to the only place they knew would be safe for the time being, the Meteor Tribe.

With the help of Roamer, and secrets revealed regarding his immense strength, Kargo began to heal, and reform a bond with old friends.

Just as things seemed to show a bright future, Ranach and Ávanti attacked the Meteor Tribe.

Pinned between Ranach and safety, Kargo used the strength he had left to throw Ferah over the fire, saving her life.

Kargo had found the answer to his lifelong question on what he was meant to do with his strength.


Fúss was a fairly new member of the Meteor Tribe. He joined during the late reign of Arenak but quickly earned the trust and loyalty from the others. He never showed any aggressive tendencies. He was understanding, kind and open minded.

Not long after joining the tribe, Fúss and Vandi became secret lovers, and in the last few days of his life, was gifted a daughter named Akleja.

Fúss was badly injured during an attack on Ávanti's shrine. He held onto life until he was back home, where he said his final goodbye to his daughter and mate.

T.O.D 19th Drepa Máni Year 30
Age: 4 years 
Tribe: Meteor Tribe, Shepherd
Phenotype: Recessive red
Genotype: BB CCch DD ee kk Ssi



Ulfr was a member of the Meteor Tribe for 10 years. He was the result of a purposely inbred bloodline, bred with the intention of continuing the aggressive and loyal line that his father Brokun carried.

Ulfr had all the qualities that Jarl Arenak wanted in a Meteor dog, and so wasted no time in training him to become one of his most vicious members the tribe could offer.

Despite the wicked values Ulfr would have as an adult, he would always stand his ground and refuse to hurt his fellow male comrades, which finally became his demise when he one night defied Ranach's wishes.

He was hunted down and killed by Ávanti, the cursed beast he helped Ranach summon.

T.O.D 19th Drepa Máni Year 30
Age: 10 years 
Tribe: Loner / Previous: Meteor Tribe
Phenotype: Blue dilute with caribou stripe



Jonna was a 5 year old Meteor Tribe member. Known as being hot tempered and overly confident, despite her small size.

She was the first friendly face Ronja saw after arriving at MT, and she quickly helped Ronja get settled in her new home.

During a hunt to kill Ranach, Jonna was ambushed and killed by the cursed beast he had summoned.

T.O.D 19th Drepa Máni Year 30
Age: 5 years 
Tribe: Meteor Tribe, Artisan




Zilas was a male zioqa, who was adopted at an early age by rifle Raimo and zioqa Zahira.

Kainan found Zilas through Father, and so gave Kainan the strength to keep on fighting for the survival of Asmundr.

Zilas was killed by members of the Meteor Tribe, sent by Ranach, during a battle for their newfound home in the Lonely Village.

He was found by Rhovanion, Jahla and Keirr, who buried him near the village in an unmarked grave.

Later on, a runestone was risen in his honor by Ronja, within the territory of the Meteor Tribe.

Zilas was loved for his playful attitude, affection and loyalty.

T.O.D 1st Veidr Máni Year 30
Age: 4 years 
Tribe: Asmundr pack




Arenak was the Jarl of the Meteor Tribe for many years. He ruled the area with ruthless aggression, forcing all members of his tribe to submit to his will. He made sure that the rules he put into place were enforced, and if they didn't, he would strike them down with his own fangs, or feed them to the ghouls.
Arenak was killed by the orders of his own son, Ranach. He was poisoned by Rogio, doing so in secret.
His body was cremated, a tradition that was only given to the Jarls of the Meteor Tribe at the time.

T.O.D 19th Jord Máni Year 29
Age: 18 years 
Tribe: Meteor Tribe, Jarl




 Partner to Fjordor, Viscountess of the Midnightgarde Tribe, and mother of three daughters, whom all currently live in the Ivorysteppe Tribe.

Vaja was loving, caring, and a gifted teacher, and made sure that her daughters were prepared for the perils and dangers of life in Aedra.
On a journey to join another tribe, heavy rain caused Vaja to slip in the mud, and fall into the grasp of the ghouls.

She's buried at Midnightgarde, where her partner Fjordor loyally sits by her side.

T.O.D unknown
Age: 6 years
Tribe: Midnightgarde, Viscountess



©Johan N All rights reserved
Wiki writers- Johan & Tora

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